"Fascism or Freedom" Judge Rutherford October 2, 1938
The first thing he says on it is that Jesus was resurrected exactly 1935 years
ago, which in 1938
would have been 3 AD. That's usually put around 33 AD.
(I'm guessing it's his version of Jesus' birth on Earth.)
He then makes his case of equating the clergy of Jesus' time (the Pharisees)
with Catholic and Protestant (anything
Christian and non-Rutherford) clergy of
Rutherford's time as Satanic, and characterizes all of both groups as fascists
have intended to keep people from learning God's truth (Jesus' and Ruther-
ford's stances). Rutherford characterizes
his stances as having been like Je-
sus' in having been honest but persecuted.
In a 1969 interview with Nathan Knorr, he compares his claim that most clergy-
men are hypocrites, such as
for agreeing with teachings about evolution, with
Jesus' accusations of hypocrisy, says God may use atomic energy for Armageddon,
gives the JWs leaders' stance requiring JWs to refuse the medical use of
blood. (link inactive)