Rutherford and his soldiers ready for a belt of Canadian Club
Joseph Franklin Rutherford

Left to right: Lyman Swingle, Sullivan, Grant Suiter, Hugo Reimer, Nathan Knorr, Fred Franz, and Milton

Frederick W. Franz and Nathan H. Knorr

Nathan Homer Knorr

Frederick Franz

1975 Governing Body (thanks to for the names)
Standing (left to right): Daniel Sydlik, Theodore Jaracz, Raymond Franz (re- signed in 1980),
Lyman Swingle, Lloyd Barry (died in 1999), Milton Henschel (de- ceased, 5th president), William Jackson (deceased) Karl
Klein (died Jan., 2001), Grant Suiter (deceased), Albert Schroeder, and Leo Greenlees (forced resigna- tion)
Sitting (left to right): Ewart Chitty (forced resignation), Frederick Franz (deceased, 4th president),
Nathan Knorr (deceased, 3rd president), George Gangas (deceased), John Booth (deceased), and Charles Fekel (deceased)
Not shown: John Barr, Carey Barber (deceased), Martin Poetzinger (deceased), and Gerrit Losch

1994 "Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that saluting a flag, singing a national anthem,
and reciting a pledge of allegiance are religious acts. Their Bible- trained conscience does not permit them to participate
in such acts of worship. (Matthew 4:10; Acts 5:29) No matter what country they live in, this is their stand in
imitation of Jesus Christ, who said that his followers would be 'no part of the world, just as (he was) no part of the
world.'—John 17:16." ("Awake!" Jan.8, 1994, p.2) (See 1935 and 1995.)
However, see the article at the next link: Watchtower presidents Rutherford, Knorr, Franz, and
Henschel are shown in their passport photos for which they signed an oath of allegiance to the United States. In
the case of Rutherford, it was prior to the 1935 onward ban (3/28/22), but for Knorr (6/8/68), Henschel (9/16/52), and
Franz (?/8/88), it was after the ban took effect.
"Because Christians can be loyal both to God and to earthly governments they can take oaths of
allegiance to defend the Constitution, as is required of citi- zens in some countries in order to get a passport."
("The Watchtower," Sept.15, 1964, p.551)
According to the jwfacts site, the JWs leaders ruled against such pledges and oaths as idolatrous
and worldly and out of the question--except when making an identical oath to a country for a passport or citizenship (so
the JWs could more freely travel to sell JWs leaders' literature and for whatever reasons the JWs leaders had to travel).
See "Lemon Pledge" at 1993 on p.1a and "The Watchtower outlooks on worldli- ness" and "The Watchtower
outlooks on neutrality" on p.6.

Milton George Henschel

Don Alden Adams

In April, 2007, these were the members of the Governing Body (followed by the year
they joined it): John E. Barr (1977), Samuel Herd (1999), Theodore Jaracz (1974), Stephen Lett (1999), Gerrit Lösch (1994),
Guy Pierce (1999), David Splane (1999), Anthony Morris (2005), and Geoffrey Jackson (2005). (The other Governing
Body members shown are Carey W. Barber, who passed away on April 8, 2007, and Albert D. Schroeder and Daniel Sydlik, who
passed away in 2006.)

Governing Body 2010 Back row left to right M. Stephen Lett, Anthony Morris,
Guy H. Pierce, Samuel F. Herd, Geoffrey Jack- son Front row left to right Gerritt Lösch, David H. Splane,
Theodore Jaracz (deceased), John E. Barr
