put in follower's hands the lives of clean animals to kill for offerings to God
(Gen.8:20-22) and now the lives of
all animals to kill for food, he didn't ap-
prove of his creatures taking human life at all before (Gen.4:1-15).
But now,
for someone taking a human life, created in God's image, that takes it without
God's permission, so is therefore
a murderer, God required a payback of shed
"blood"--life--from the manslaying person (or animal for overstepping man's
over them? Gen.1:28; 9:2): a follower was required to execute them.
(A punishment for eating blood isn't clarified.)
According to the Biblical Medical Ethics, Inc. web page: all creatures have
the breath of life (Hebrew: "ruwach")
and are all living souls (Hebrew: "neph-
esh chayim"; Gen.1:21,24; 2:7; 9:12ff) with the life principle in the blood
We share the life principle, but it isn't the life principle it-
self that's precious. "Genesis 9 in a single stroke
demonstrates a sharp dis-
continuity between human and animal life by simultaneously prohibiting man-
slaughter (9:5-6)
and establishing God's approval of humans killing animals for
food (9:3-4). The key is found in Genesis 1:26-28,
2:18-25, and 9:5-7; it is
that only man is created in the image of God."
Mosaic law in the Old Testament
Lev.11; Deut.14:1-21; others
Blood eating bans among verses on animal sacrifices and the ritual use of an-
imal blood
Lev.1:1,2; 3:17
Israelites and alien residents (generally thought to be Mosaic law followers
who were uncircumcised and therefore
prohibited from keeping the Passover--Ex.
12:48) (see pp.28-30) must slaughter their domestic animals as sacrifices to
Lord (Jehovah--NWT) (and to no false gods) or be cut off from their people. The
life of the flesh is in the
blood. The blood, as God has directed, is to be put
onto the altar for atonement (the follower sacrifices their animal's
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