Heb.9, 10, and 12:24
(The authorship of Hebrews is debated.) Basically, a comparison is made with
the initiation of the Mosaic
covenant and sacrifice system, both involving
blood, on one hand, and the sacrifice of Jesus and his blood initiating a
rior new Christian covenant on the other.
Once a faithful believer is sanctified by belief in the sacrifice of the Son
of God, severe punishment is due
if they profane his blood.
Among ways to profane his blood--consider it to be worth less than the high-
est sacrificial value ever--are:
to consider it as worth the blood of one of the animals used in the previous
sacrifice system, and
Jesus' blood (likewise in other verses, such as Eph.2:13) is of special sacri-
ficial value to Christians.
No other blood has any sacrificial value or has to
be reserved for sacrificial use. These verses don't substantiate
the JWs lead-
ers' ban of human blood for medical use since that doesn't involve using Jesus'
blood. (In the unlikely
event that it does, ask around the hospital for him and
get his okay first, I don't know.)