James' flock in Jerusalem.) Christians had to diplomatically follow Jewish law in Israel in order to teach
there (Acts 21:17-24), and, circumstantially, beyond it at times (1 Cor.9:20). Jerusalem, the center of worship for
the Jews and the location of the temple in Israel (Mark 11:27), was a special sore point in this regard (Acts 11:1-3;
15:1,2,5,10,11,24; 21:17-24,27-32).
And, until 70 AD, it was also the location of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish high court, which had a hostile reaction
to Jesus and the apostles (Mark 14:55,64; 15:1; Acts 5:27-41; 23:11-15), and which was heeded by Jews beyond Israel (Acts:9:1,2).
Since the Babylonian captivity, most Jews lived beyond Israel in the Disper- sion as a minority group of other
lands. Some Greeks are noted as attending worship with Jews in the synagogues, and some Christians taught to find
con- verts in the synagogues with some success. Still, most circumcised Jews re- quired other males to be circumcised
for full acceptance (Acts 13:13-52, esp. 42-44; 14:1,2; 17:1-5,10-13,15-17; 18:4-11,18-21,24-28). The God fearers/wor- shippers
of Acts 13:16,26,43; 18:6,7 are uncircumcised partial converts to Ju- daism, as is Cornelius (Acts 10:2,22,28; 11:3).
Though recognized as devout, they're considered as less socially acceptable than full converts to circum- cised Jews.
The Mishnah (p.12), the earliest part of the Babylonian Talmud, records the oral law of the Jews of this
period. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mishnah "Everyman's Talmud," 1949, 1975, by Abraham Cohen, introduction by Dr. Boaz Cohen, p.iii
The Tosefta, edited by Rabbis Hiyya and Oshaiah, is a work partly current to and a supplement to the Mishnah,
possibly including earlier source material, and represents the Jewish oral law as well. Both were compiled about
200 AD. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tosefta
In them, it's shown that the Jews distinguished full converts, whom they called proselytes of the covenant
or of righteousness, from those of the Gen- tiles whom they called sojourning proselytes, who were a kind of resident alien who
agreed to live by a minimum ethic of seven Noahide rules while living, if not with full acceptance or ritual participation,
among the Jews (something more common in the Dispersion than in Israel). These rules were believed to be binding
on the sons of Noah therefore the whole subsequent human race: don't eat from a live animal, and don't commit idolatry,
adultery, murder, theft, or blasphemy, and perform the duty of promoting justice. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proselyte Mishnah--Sanhedrin 56a; Tosefta--'A.Z.64b; 'A.Z.VIII[IX].4-6
